- Be Dependable. Follow the parenting plan, the schedule and parenting guidelines in your Marital Settlement Agreement or Final Order of Divorce. Make sure you’re on time for all transitions of the children from one parent to the other.
- Communicate with the Children. If the children are with your ex-spouse during the holidays, call them and wish them a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or Happy New Year. Send them cards. Perhaps celebrate with them on some other day besides the actual holiday.
- Let the Children Communicate with Your Ex-Spouse Make sure the children know they should feel comfortable communicating with the other parent. If necessary, encourage them to do so. If the kids are young, help them with this. Also, be sure the kids receive all cards and other communications from the other parent.
- Consult with Your Ex-Spouse about Gifts for the Children. Your children might give you and your ex-spouse similar lists of desired holiday gifts. Do your best to avoid giving a child the same gift that your ex-spouse is getting for him/her.
- Allow Your Child to Care for Both Parents Assist your child with creating or purchasing a present for your ex-spouse. By doing this, you are giving your child a tremendous gift, feeling comfortable to love his/her other parent openly in your presence.
Additional Resource: “10 Tips for a Better Post Divorce Holiday Experience.”