In every Arlington and Fairfax, Va. Collaborative Divorce case, the divorcing spouses must sign a Collaborative Participation Agreement. This is an agreement in which the spouses formally enter the Collaborative Process. It sets the rules of the road for the collaborative case. With the exception of the signature blocks...
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WHAT IS THE ROLE OF A CHILD SPECIALIST IN A COLLABORATIVE DIVORCE? To Be A Resource To The Child. To give the child a voice (not a choice) in the process. To provide the child with a safe place and a neutral and knowledgeable adult with whom to talk...
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WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE COACH/MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL IN A COLLABORATIVE DIVORCE? To Be A Resource To The Clients To offer empathy and containment for pain and loss To normalize the client’s emotional experience To support each party’s recognition of the humanity of the other To manage expectations...
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Collaborative Divorce Coach
When both spouses have attorneys, the following are the steps to obtain an uncontested divorce in a case that will be filed in the Fairfax County Circuit Court: Provided you and your spouse have a signed Marital Settlement Agreement, one spouse will serve as the plaintiff and his or...
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Divorce lawyers work with marital issues daily. They are in a unique position to share their thoughts about marriage truths they come across in their line of work. 1. Don’t Underestimate the Benefit of the Doubt Too many couples who find themselves in a divorce attorney’s office attribute negative...
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Ask Divorce Lawyers in Fairfax, Va. when they’re usually the busiest. Most will give you the same answer: January. Lawyers throughout the United States will answer similarly, and there’s data to back up this perceived New Year’s surge. For instance, a recent study indicates internet searches for “divorce” and...
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