More Affordable A collaborative divorce is most often more economical than going to court. In Fairfax County, it is not unusual for lawyers’ fees in a litigated divorce to surpass $100,000. On the other hand, collaborative cases tend to be significantly less contentious, and thus less costly. More Efficient...
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Be Dependable. Follow the parenting plan, the schedule and parenting guidelines in your Marital Settlement Agreement or Final Order of Divorce. Make sure you’re on time for all transitions of the children from one parent to the other. Communicate with the Children. If the children are with your ex-spouse during the...
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While the following is by no means an exhaustive list, the following are a few key reasons: The spouses will work harder to settle if they know they must hire new lawyers to go to court. The lawyers cannot give up and get a second chance in court –...
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Plan Ahead. If you have children, know exactly where they will be spending each of the holidays. Often, the Marital Settlement Agreement that we draft for you includes a very specific visitation schedule for each of the holidays. Working out in advance where the children are going is not only...
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“I Don’t Care Too much for Money, for Money Can’t Buy Me Love.” – The Beatles As divorce lawyers, we sometimes hear things like, “if we could only win the lottery, my spouse and I would never fight again.” In fact, one of the number one things married couples fight...
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Okay, so we borrowed the slogan from a Nicorette commercial, but the sentiment is true. The process of going through a divorce can feel like working a second job, with so much to take care of and think about. Can you trust your spouse to be financially fair, or...
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