Divorce lawyers work with marital issues daily. They are in a unique position to share their thoughts about marriage truths they come across in their line of work. 1. Don’t Underestimate the Benefit of the Doubt Too many couples who find themselves in a divorce attorney’s office attribute negative...
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Ask Divorce Lawyers in Fairfax, Va. when they’re usually the busiest. Most will give you the same answer: January. Lawyers throughout the United States will answer similarly, and there’s data to back up this perceived New Year’s surge. For instance, a recent study indicates internet searches for “divorce” and...
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According to the American Psychological Association (APA), 40 to 50 percent of American couples end their marriages in divorce. While good, stable marriages benefit couples and their families in many ways, unhealthy marriages have the potential to negatively affect children, mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially. Plus, unhappy marriages can...
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The Commonwealth of Virginia is home to nearly 130,000 active duty military service members, and like the civilian population, when troops suffer marital problems, divorce is sometimes the only option. Legally, divorce among military personnel is similar to a civilian divorce. However, if you are a military service member...
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Child support is the amount of money one parent pays to the other parent to help with the expenses involved with raising a child, including food, shelter, clothing, etc. Every state has different laws outlining how divorces with children are to be done and how child support is to...
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