This post is a second dose of common inquiries we hear about Virginia child custody and visitation law. ARE MOTHERS FAVORED BY VIRGINIA COURTS IN DETERMINING CHILD CUSTODY? Answer: No. Years ago, Virginia followed the “tender years doctrine,” where there is a presumption that children should reside primarily with their...
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This post highlights a few of the most frequently asked questions we hear from potential clients and clients about Virginia custody and visitation law: WHAT IS LEGAL CUSTODY? Answer: Legal custody is the right to makes significant decisions concerning a child’s welfare, such as medical, educational, or religious decisions. ...
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Marriage laws in the United States for LGBT families vary widely from state to state and are changing rapidly. Consistent with this evolving landscape, the state of same-sex marriage in Virginia is in limbo. Virginia has a statutory ban on same-sex marriage (Code of VA §20-45.3), which a federal...
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Frequently, when prospective clients first visit Kales & Kales, they come to us overwhelmed, lost, confused or, as is often the case, some combination of the three. The first step our attorneys take, to ease the anxiety associated with divorce, is to outline process options with each prospective client...
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In a Collaborative Divorce, the parties and their attorneys commit to settle matters without going to court. Each party and each attorney sign a Participation Agreement wherein it is agreed, if negotiations should break down, the collaborative attorneys will withdraw and not represent their client during any resulting litigation....
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