Jonathan Kales has been selected to the 2022 Virginia Super Lawyers list for excellence in the practice of divorce mediation and collaborative divorce. Virginia Super Lawyers are selected as part of a multistep nomination and research process that incorporates a statewide nomination survey, independent evaluation utilizing a 12 point...
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Preparation for Divorce Mediation: Expert Guide | Kales Law How to Mentally Prepare for Divorce Mediation Are you aware divorce mediation is an alternative to traditional divorce? Did you know that it takes mental preparation? Rather than litigation that occurs in a courtroom, which can be tense for many,...
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If you are considering filing for divorce, you may already understand the amount of decision-making that comes with it. You and your estranged spouse must come to an agreement on how you will handle things like dividing assets, calculating child support, and more. Creating a divorce agreement that is...
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A “no-fault” divorce or uncontested divorce is one where neither party has to prove the other of any wrongdoing. This type of divorce generally takes less time in court to finalize and costs both parties less in legal fees.. In Virginia, a no-fault divorce will only be granted if...
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divorce mediation, Divorce Mediators, divorce settlement agreement, Fairfax VA, mediation
As a parent, you want the best for your child -- and you might be wondering whether staying together or getting divorced is the best option for your family. In making that decision, do not forget to consider that the effects of divorce on children are not always negative....
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custody, divorce mediation, Divorce Mediators, Fairfax VA