From a financial perspective, the answer is most of the time. In our experience, a typical collaborative divorce costs about 30% – 50% less than a divorce where the spouses fully litigate their case (i.e., where they do formal discovery, have preliminary hearings, conduct depositions, go to trial, etc.)....
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The process is simple, is done entirely in writing, and requires no court appearances or office visits: Step 1: Our lawyers draft a Marital Settlement Agreement on your behalf. Step 2: Once you and your spouse sign the Marital Settlement Agreement, our lawyers file a Complaint for Divorce on your...
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Every individual case has its own unique set of circumstances and the time involved in a collaborative divorce will always depend on how complex the unresolved issues are and how difficult it will be for the participants to resolve them. The more willingness the participants show to work together...
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The first reason is that collaborative divorce attorneys enter the process with an entirely different mindset about what their role is. This is often referred to as a ‘paradigm shift.’ Rather than advocating to win their clients the largest settlement possible regardless of the cost and who gets hurt,...
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The biggest difference between a traditional and collaborative divorce begins with the fact that in a traditional divorce, the parties rely heavily on the judges and the court to bring a resolution to their dispute. This often fosters an adversarial environment where the couples look at the process as a battle they...
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