Voicemail from a divorce mediation client:
“Jonathan and Amy, it appears we’ll need to delay our divorce mediation because of COVID-19. We’ll reach out to you when it’s safe to meet.”
At the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, we received several voicemails and emails like that.
Utilizing Zoom videoconferencing, we are pleased to inform you family and divorce mediation is not only possible during these difficult times, it works quite well. In fact, there are benefits to conducting your divorce mediation via Zoom:
Real Conversations. As with in person mediation sessions, the spouses can see each other’s expressions and body language and hear one another’s tone and volume.
Effective Document Sharing. The mediators and spouses can safely and securely sharedocuments with Zoom’s “Share Screen” feature.
Comfort. Spouses can mediate from the comfort of their own home or office or whatever other private place appeals to them.
Efficiency/Cost Effectiveness. You don’t need to fight traffic or expend travel costs to visit us at our Fairfax, Arlington, or Tysons Corner location. If you have kids, you may be able to avoid the expense of hiring childcare.
Flexible Scheduling. We too save travel time, particularly during rush hour, and can begin mediation sessions earlier or later than we otherwise would.
Ease of Access. If you want to work with divorce mediation attorneys to negotiate a settlement and avoid court but would prefer not to be physically in the same room as your spouse, Zoom makes that possible.
Convenience. Divorcing spouses can mediate and reach a divorce settlement agreement even if one or both spouses travel a lot or have moved from Northern Virginia. You just need access to the internet via a computer or tablet, and you’re good to go with our Northern Virginia divorce mediation services.
Allows All Virginians to Mediate with Kales & Kales. If you don’t live in Northern Virginia, but at least one spouse lives somewhere in Virginia, whether that’s Richmond, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Charlottesville, Roanoke, or elsewhere, you can still mediate with us.
Best Divorce Mediation Online Services. We use an approach where a skilled, knowledgeable, creative, and compassionate two-person team of mediators, one male and one female, creates a safe envelope in which you and your spouse have the opportunity to settle your case amicably and respectfully. We continue this approach in our Zoom meditations as well.